Could You Use More Pre Qualified Appointments on your Calendar?

Watch This Very Short Real Life Case Study Videos Of How We Added 338 Long Form (13 Question Survey) Leads and 55 Pre Approved Deals For A MLO In 30 Days


Pre Approved Deals

What Loan Officers Have Said About Working with The Lead King Russ Ward

"I had been burned by others but Russ was the only honest person I met in this business!"

"Russ generated over 200 long form leads for me in ONE MONTH - Game Changer!"

"My first month working with Russ included 250 long form leads and multiple closings!"

Pipeline Builder Will Help You Become the top producer in your company!

Program 1:

Pipeline Builder

This is for mortgage brokers who have experienced closers and processes in place with the ability to immediately contact the lead, pre screen them, and close the deal!

We set up your Facebook Ads

We set up your Facebook Pixel

We create your custom pre-approval survey

We create your custom lead generation funnel

We provide you with Automations+ automation CRM

We create unlimited CRM accounts for all members of your team

We create and customize all of your automated email and text messages

We instantly notify everyone who needs to know when a new lead is generated or responds to an automated message

We provide training for you and your entire team

We provide you with a monthly zoom call to go over how things are going, improvements that need to be made and any additional training you may need

Program 2:

Pipeline Builder Plus

Don't Want Or Need Us To Do It For You? Get The Training Course And Do It Yourself!

What Loan Officers Have Said About Working with The Lead King Russ Ward

"I had been burned by others but Russ was the only honest person I met in this business!"

"Russ generated over 200 long form leads for me in ONE MONTH - Game Changer!"

"My first month working with Russ included 250 long form leads and multiple closings!"

Want To See A Complete Demo of How Our Lead Generation and Automation Process Works From Start To Finish? Your Mind Will Be Blown!

Watch This Quick Demo Video Below

What More Clients Have Said About Working with The Lead King Russ Ward

"I owe all my success to The Lead King! I close 2-3 deals a month with his system!"

"I earned $11,000 in PROFITS in two months while working with Russ!"

"So many leads were coming in I had to ask Russ to turn them off until I can catch up!"

"I had three deals in the works within the first week of working with Russ!"

"I had five listings under contract within the first few months working with Russ!"

"Russ the ONLY guy that actually came through! 106 leads in 30 days! "

Haven't Heard Enough Yet?t Listen To What All These People Are Saying Are Saying About

Working With The Lead King

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